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Regulatory Information for Natixis Investment Managers International

Regulatory information

This website was created by Natixis Investment Managers International (“NIM International”). NIM International is a Société anonyme (public limited company) with a Board of Directors with a share capital of 66 854 931.25 euros. Registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Registry under no 329 450 738.

Legal representative: Mathieu Cheula
Registered office: 43, avenue Pierre Mendès-France, 75 013 Paris.
Tél: 33 (0)1 78 40 80 00
SIRET no: 329 450 738 00078
Principal activity (APE): 6630Z – Portfolio Management
Intracommunity VAT no: FR 203 294 507 38

NIM International is a portfolio management company approved by the Autorité des marchés financiers (French Financial Market Autority – AMF) under no GP 90-009, on 22th May 1990.

Details of the regulatory authority:
Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF)
17 place de la Bourse
75082 Paris Cedex 02

Mediation by the Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF)

The AMF’s Ombudsman’s services may be called upon by any interested party (whether a natural or legal person) in the context of an individual dispute regarding financial investments.

You can contact the AMF’s Ombudsman by mail at:
Médiateur de l’AMF
Autorité des marchés financiers
17 place de la Bourse
75082 PARIS CEDEX 02

A form to request mediation is available online on the AMF’s website (

Please refer to the Terms of Use for any additional information with respect to the website.


    Regulatory Documents – Natixis Investment Managers International

    The documents below are provided by Natixis Investment Managers International. 


    Gender Equality Index – UES NIM scores 87 out of 100

    In accordance with the provisions of the Avenir law to eliminate gender pay gaps and the Rixain law to accelerate economic and professional equality, UES Natixis Investment Managers (in 2023 composed of Natixis Investment Managers, Natixis Investment Managers International, Ostrum Asset Management, Natixis TradEx Solutions and Mirova) publishes the results of the Gender Equality Index defined in articles L.1142-7 and following and D.1142-2 and following of the Labour Code.

    Built around five indicators calculated on a total of 100 points, this index measures, different data on professional equality between women and men each year.

    Below a threshold of 85 points out of 100, the company must define and publish progress targets on its website for indicators where the maximum points have not been reached.

    Below a threshold of 75 points out of 100, the company must also define and implement corrective measures to improve the rating of the relevant indicators.

    The overall rating of UES Natixis Investment Managers continues to improve. For 2023, it is set at 87 points out of 100 as detailed below:

    • pay gaps: 37 points / 40
    • differences in individual salary increases: 20 points / 20
    • differences in promotions: 15 points / 15
    • percentage of women increased upon return from maternity leave: 15 points / 15
    • number of employees of under-represented sex in the company’s ten highest earnings: 0 points / 10

    Through its policy of professional equality between women and men, UES NIM ensures that the representation of women and men is more balanced in its workforce and its professions and in positions of responsibility. It also ensures balance in career development and equal pay for men and women while paying particular attention to parenthood.