Harris Associates U.S. Value Equity Fund
Find long-term value in US equities with Harris Associates, which has been focusing on value investing since 1976 to uncover undervalued, growing companies
Sustainable investing

One goal, many paths.

Wherever you are on your sustainable journey, we have a partner to fit your needs.

Sustainable investing capabilities​

Our approach to sustainable investing

Moving the world to a more sustainable future is an incredibly complex task. One made more complicated by the fact that everyone has a slightly different view on how best to achieve it. Similarly, there is no one way to succeed when it comes to sustainable investing, but with more than 15 independent investment managers, each with their own distinctive approach to active management, we believe we are uniquely placed to help wherever you are on your sustainable investing journey.

We certainly don’t have all the answers, but we do have a sustainable investing legacy that stretches all the way back to 1984 and the launch of our first Socially Responsible Investment fund1, a deep understanding of the complexity confronting investors and an offering that includes responsible, sustainable and impact investment vehicles across equities, fixed income, multi-asset, private assets and liquid alternatives. Whatever path you are on, we feel confident, we have the right partner for you.

Our framework

Understanding the changing landscape, mapping the tectonic regulatory shifts and charting safe passage between what companies say and what they actually do requires an active approach, a long-term mindset and, most importantly, expertise.

Our framework divides the sustainable investing universe into three broad categories - responsible, sustainable and impact strategies. Aligned with global standards, our approach not only complies with current regulatory requirements, but also remains at the forefront of industry thinking.

Featured strategies 

Basketball player shooting a hoop
Loomis Sayles Sustainable Euro Credit
Exploiting inefficiencies in euro credit markets while never losing sight of sustainability

Our capabilities

Ceramic pottery
More is good, different is better. Find out more about our range of alternatives investment strategies.
There’s more than one way to invest in equities. Find the one that’s right for you. Find the active equities investment manager that best fits your needs.
Fixed income
Find the fixed income investment manager that best fits your needs
Abstract conceptual Cross section detail of purple agate stone against
Whether searching for yield or protection against volatility, our multi-asset expertise can help
Rail yard with trains near the city of Groningen in the Netherlands.Groningen, the Netherlands, september 2022
Private assets
Gain a single point of access to high conviction investment managers that have a deep understanding of private markets.

Important information

All investing involves risk, including loss of capital.