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Ostrum Asset Management

Ostrum Asset Management is a leading asset manager in Europe providing institutional clients high-quality fixed income, equity, and insurance investment strategies with an active and solid ESG approach.

Ostrum Asset Management draws on its investment expertise to enhance the impact of its clients commitments as they act together to support European citizens life plans, health and retirement. As a European institutional investment manager, Ostrum Asset Management supports its clients in their liability-driven investments, offering both asset management solutions on the back of its long-standing fixed-income and insurance-related management expertise, and investment services via its innovative technological platform. Ostrum Asset Management is a responsible investment advocate and helps large institutional clients insurers, pension funds, health insurers, corporations as well as management companies worldwide across all asset classes.

With 23 credit analysts, 48 portfolio managers, and 4 macro specialists – all with an average experience of nearly 20 years – we are experts at what we do."
- Matthieu Mouly, Ostrum Asset Management, Head of Business Development

The analyses and opinions referenced herein represent the subjective views of the author(s) as referenced, are as of the date shown and are subject to change without prior notice.

Ostrum Asset Management
Paris, France
Euro sovereign debt, inflation, aggregate, credit, equity and fixed income insurance-specific solutions and europe emerging global
USD 433.7B as of March 31, 2024
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