Harris Associates於1976年成立,擅長價值投資。透過Harris美國價值股票基金,發掘被市場低估,但業務持續增長的企業。 了解更多
Fixed income

Why DNCA for fixed income?

3月 26, 2024 - 3 分鐘的閱讀時間

True macro specialists, DNCA offers a range of fixed income solutions that help investors navigate markets – whatever happens. Deputy Fixed Income CIO, Francois Collet, explains their highly nimble, truly active approach to fixed income and credit.

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DNCA Finance

Affiliate of Natixis Investment Managers.

DNCA has been approved as a portfolio management company by the French Financial Market Authority

(Autorité des Marchés Financiers) under number GP00-030 since 18 August 2000.

19, place Vendôme 75001 Paris, France.



DNCA Finance is a limited partnership (Société en Commandite Simple) approved by the Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) as a portfolio management company under number GP00-030 and governed by the AMF's General Regulations, its doctrine and the Monetary and Financial Code. DNCA Finance is also a non-independent investment advisor within the meaning of the MIFID II Directive. DNCA Finance - 19 Place Vendôme-75001 Paris - e-mail : dnca@dncainvestments.com - tel : +33 (0)1 58 62 55 00 - website : www.dnca-investments.com


Natixis Investment Managers

RCS Paris 453 952 681

Share Capital: €178 251 690

43 avenue Pierre Mendès France

75013 Paris
