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Fixed income
Active fixed income investments uncover yield and value opportunities while mitigating risk. Tap into Natixis Investment Managers’ expertise.
September 18, 2024
Portfolio analysis & consulting
In-depth portfolio analysis to identify and measure sources and drivers of risk and return that can be applied to asset allocation in client portfolios.
Outlook 2025
December 19, 2024
2025 Investment outlook
What’s ahead for investors? Our portfolio managers and strategists share macro, market, and asset allocation views.
Tools of the Trade
Tap into insights, portfolio analysis techniques, and educational tools to explore trends, navigate rapidly changing markets, and uncover opportunities.
Diversity, inclusion, and belonging
We continually work to create an environment that promotes diversity, inclusion, and belonging in all its forms, across gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, disability, ethnicity and background.

Philippe Setbon

Chief Executive Officer

Natixis Investment Managers

Philippe Setbon is Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Natixis Investment Managers. He began his career in 1990 as a financial analyst with Barclays Bank in Paris before working for Groupe Azur-GMF for 10 years as head of asset management.

He then joined Generali Group in 2004 where he held a succession of senior roles including CEO of Generali Investments France, CEO of Generali Investments and CEO for Generali Group.

He joined Groupama in 2013 as CEO of Groupama Asset Management. He became CEO of Ostrum Asset Management in 2019.

In 2023, he became CEO of Natixis Investment Managers. In January 2025, he was appointed deputy CEO at Natixis, in charge of asset and wealth management.

In June 2022, Philippe was elected president of the French Asset Management Association.

He holds an MA and a post-graduate diploma (DESS) in finance from Paris-Dauphine University and is a graduate of the French Society of Financial Analysts.