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Active fixed income investments uncover yield and value opportunities while mitigating risk. Tap into Natixis Investment Managers’ expertise.
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In-depth portfolio analysis to identify and measure sources and drivers of risk and return that can be applied to asset allocation in client portfolios.
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Get data-driven analysis of today’s capital markets that looks beyond the headlines and helps you put current events into better context.
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We continually work to create an environment that promotes diversity, equity and inclusion in all its forms, across gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, disability, ethnicity and background.

George Marootian

Executive Vice President, Head of Technology

Natixis Investment Managers – US Distribution

George Marootian is Executive Vice President, Head of Technology at Natixis Investment Managers – US Distribution. He joined the firm in 2014. In this role, George manages the technology function, which includes all areas of infrastructure, software engineering, production operations, data engineering, quantitative services, technology program management and technology innovation. One of his key areas of focus is on technology as an enabler to create operating leverage for both Natixis and its US-based affiliate firms. In addition, George is leading initiatives to create the next generation operating model for Natixis, leveraging new technologies to modernize the firm’s operating model and leverage improved co-investment capabilities with our affiliate partners.

George has more than 25 years of experience in the ideation, design, development and operations of software-based solutions, and in transforming those solutions into revenue-enablers. George’s career has spanned a number of technology innovations, including client-server, web (1.0, 2.0, 3.0), and cloud computing. Prior to joining Natixis, he worked for Cloud Technology Partners as one of the Architect heads of the practice, focused on the design, development and implementation of cloud computing platforms to companies including GE, Kronos, Silicon Valley Bank, State Street, and Altisource.

George is the recipient of the 2018 Boston CIO of the Year® ORBIE® Award (Global category)* and brings to the firm an extensive background in technology engineering, design, development and management within startups and Fortune 500 firms. George holds a BS from University of Massachusetts-Lowell with a focus on computer science, operations research and math.

* In June 2018, the Boston CIO Leadership Association announced recipients of the 2018 CIO of the Year® ORBIE® Award which honors chief information officers who have demonstrated excellence in technology leadership, according to an independent peer review process led by prior ORBIE recipients.
