A graduate of Sciences PO Paris and with a degree in monetary economics from the Sorbonne University (Paris) François-Xavier started his career as a market economist at Banque Indosuez in 1989, before joining BNP in 1994 and then Cheuvreux in 1997, where he became chief economist. In 2009, he joined the economic research firm GaveKal Research. From 2012 to 2015, he also managed the asset allocation of a family office (€100 million) and was involved as an entrepreneur in various sectors of activity. François-Xavier teaches economics and finance at the Paris-Dauphine University.

As both a long-time client and partner of Dorval Asset Management, it was completely natural that he joined the company at the beginning of 2016. François-Xavier has always favoured a pragmatic and concrete vision of what it means to be an economist, exploring the contact zones between global macroeconomics, corporate developments and financial markets.

Methodical and insightful, François-Xavier's objective is to involve investors in global growth while breaking free from the tyranny of indices that do not reflect this growth.

His rare know-how: François-Xavier’s strength is his ability to interpret global economic trends while providing concrete solutions on how to use this practically in asset allocation and portfolio management at Dorval AM.